Ideal Eyes Systems

Custom Tools for OptimEyes

Easily add custom functionality to OptimEyes using Custom Tools


OptimEyes supplies you with a large set of tools. If you require additional functionality, you can create your own custom plug-in modules. You can even add VisualEyes Scripting to your Custom Tools, enabling them to be used in automated machine vision and image processing workflows.

Custom Tools can access the entire OptimEyes API, the APIs of all other Tools, 3rd party APIs, and all VisualEyes Scripting variables. They are created and loaded in exactly the same way as the Standard Tools, so your tools can do anything a Standard Tool can do.

Custom Tools are created in Microsoft Visual Studio. We provide you with all the starter code and documentation necessary to get your Custom Tool up and running quickly.

Our plug-ins enable much greater customization than other applications on the market. Rather than just controlling the existing Tools with a limited macro language, you can create Custom Tools in C++ that become as much a part of the application as the Standard Tools.

All the tools shipping with OptimEyes were created the exact same way a Custom Tool is created. This is because OptimEyes was designed from the ground up to continually support new imaging functionality via Custom Tools.

QuickSpots Tool = ROI Tool + Calibration Tool + File Manager Tool + Color Tool

For example, when the Mayo Clinic needed a better way to analyze images for cancer research, they contacted our predecessor, Western Vision Software, for a solution. Western Vision first used the individual Standard Tools to figure out how to do what was needed. THen, they combined all the functionality of the individual tools into a standalone Custom Tool. This single tool now performs all the needed analysis, in a single easy-to-use custom tool called the Array QuickSpots Tool.