Ideal Eyes Systems

VisualEyes Scripting for OptimEyes

VisualEyes Scripting is what sets OptimEyes apart from the rest

(VisualEyes Scripting Tool)

VisualEyes Scripting allows you to write an entire automated process (such as a machine vision application) with no programming required. For example, shown left is an application that analyzes a floppy disc for scratches.

It is very simple to make a machine vision or other application using a Point Click Script. First, you decide on your task at hand. Next, collect a set of sample images. Then, use the large selection of OptimEyes supplied tools to analyze your sample images. At each step you will use the controls of each tool to get the tool to do what you wish. When the tool is providing you the correct result, you simply click the 'script' button on the tool which will record this process to the VisualEyes Scripting Tool. You can use this method over and over, which will lead to combining the tools together in the correct order to make any kind of application you wish. Last, test with a large set of sample images, and you are done.

Once you have a VisualEyes Script working, you can run that script inside of OptimEyes, or export it to CustomEyes. CustomEyes is a low-level application which only runs scripts. It can run everything OptimEyes can, but it has no tools. CustomEyes is used with Windows Embedded, to provide a solution that runs 24/7/365, year after year.

What happens if a needed tool is not provided for your application? No problem, just add in a custom tool or a custom Script Function.

Other scripting languages or wrappers can be slow, but our VisualEyes Scripting is very fast. Our real-world scripts, which contain 100’s to 1000's of lines of script items, acquire images from cameras, separate, analyze, classify, and then eject bad products, in just milliseconds. Yes, you read correctly. Some of our large, real-world scripts run in under 5 milliseconds.

Our VisualEyes Scripting provides much more than some little macro language. Capabilities include:

  • For Next Loops
  • While Loops
  • Do While Loops
  • If Then Conditions
  • Viewport Control: Place a given image into a given viewport (with offset, zoom, etc)
  • Number Control: (Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Etc)
  • String Control: (Copy, Concatenate, Etc)
  • Convert Control: (Number-to-String, String-to-Number, Etc)
  • Fail Control: (What to do when a script item fails)
  • Startup Control: (What to do when a script first starts up)
  • Fail Control: (What to do when a script shuts down)
  • Timer Control: (Allows you to do timing in milliseconds)
  • Stop Control: (Allows you to stop a script)
  • Fail Control: (What to do when a script item fails)
  • Eraser Control: (Allows you to clear number and string variables)
  • Fail Control: (Allows you to fail the script)
  • Group Control: (Allows you to Group other script items)
  • Button Box Control: (Allows you grab information from a user)
  • Input Box Control: (Allows you grab information from a user)
  • Output Box Control: (Allows you to show information to a user)
  • Delay Control: (Allows you to put a delay into your script)
  • Launch Control: (Allows you to jump to anywhere in your script)
  • Landing Control: (Allows you to jump to anywhere in your script)
  • Script Function Control: (Allows you to use a Script Function in your script)
  • Short and Long Descriptions: (Allows you to comment your code)
  • and more...